Gifts of any size, particularly those made to
The Neumann Fund, play a critical role in helping Neumann
provide a Catholic Education in the Franciscan Tradition.
Give Now
With as little as one sentence, you can make a gift in your will or trust that significantly impacts current and future generations of students. Whether you choose a specific amount, percentage of your estate, or contingency bequest, your gift will represent your commitment to Neumann.
I give, devise, and bequeath (all, specific amount, percentage, or remainder) to Neumann University, a 501(c)(3) organization located in Aston PA, 19014 (Federal Tax ID #23-1657958) for Neumann University's general use and purpose.
Please contact walmslef@neumann.edu if you are considering a bequest for a specific purpose. A gift agreement may be necessary to ensure your gift will be used as intended.
*Please use the above as a guideline. We recommend you seek an attorney’s assistance.
GIFTS FROM YOUR IRA (Charitable Rollover)
If you are 70 1/2 years old or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to give to Neumann and receive tax benefits in return. You can give (up to $105,000) from your IRA directly to Neumann without having to pay income taxes on the gift while satisfying your required minimum distribution. Contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift.
Naming Neumann as a beneficiary of one of your assets, such as a retirement plan or life insurance policy, is a convenient way to leave your legacy. To make Neumann a beneficiary, you will need to complete a beneficiary designation form provided by the custodian of the plan. Designating Neumann as a beneficiary will allow Neumann to receive the full amount and your estate will receive a charitable tax-deduction for the gift.
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting charitable accounts you care about. Held by a sponsoring organization (often a financial institution or community foundation), gifts to a DAF are immediately deductible for federal income-tax purposes, however your distributions to charities can be gifted over time. There is no additional income-tax deduction when a distribution is made from the DAF because a deduction was obtained for the original transfer to the DAF.
To donate using your donor-advised fund, please make your grant recommendation to Neumann University.
Questions? For more information on funds to support, contact University Advancement at
(610)558-5513 or advancement@neumann.edu
Donor Testimonials
Former Brigadier General Connie L. Slewitzke was committed to the nursing profession and education of nursing students.
A long-time friend of Neumann, she presented "Women in the Military: A Legacy of Service, Patriotism, Excellence and Caring” at the Philadelphia General Hospital (PGH) Endowed Lecture.
As a 30-year veteran, Connie served as Chief of Army Nurse Corps, and served in several stateside and overseas posts, including two tours of Korea, one in Vietnam, and a post in Germany.
A graduate of St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing in Wisconsin, Slewitzke earned a B.S. in nursing from the University of Maryland, and an M.A. in counseling and guidance from St. Mary's University in Texas. She is a graduate of the Army Command and General Staff College, where she was distinguished as the first female class president of the U.S. Army War College.
A former development director for the University of Maryland School of Nursing and the Walter Reed Society, General Slewitzke also served on the board of the VA War Memorial and the Women in Military Service for America Memorial.
Brigadier General Connie L. Slewitzke gift was used for simulators for our nursing laboratories to provide state-of-the-art technology to our Neumann Nursing students.
When Dr. Janet Farahmand taught Neumann University nursing students from 1990-2003, she often met with them and faculty colleagues in the library, one of her favorite campus locations.
Because of a generous bequest from Janet and Ahmad Farahmand, her husband, the entryway to the university library will bear their name -- The Ahmad and Janet Farahmand Memorial Atrium.
In addition, The Farahmand and Hatter Family Memorial Scholarship and The Dr. Janet M. Farahmand Memorial Scholarship were established to support both undergraduate and graduate nursing student.
Dr. Janet Farahmand’s commitment to students' "growth, their professionalism, and their dedication to excellence in patient care” will be remembered in perpetuity at Neumann.