Army Reserve Officers Training Corps

Dauntless Battalion

Dauntless Battalion

If your goals include making a difference in the global community, I’d like you to consider a program we offer through our university. An Army Officer has a direct impact on the soldiers he or she leads, and an undeniable influence within the global human community. The Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) is a way of earning an officer’s commission by attending a civilian university, like here at Neumann. Here are the facts:

~ This is a college program taken in conjunction with your major course of study.

~ Our focus is on leadership developmentObviously you will learn basic soldier skills and tactics, but you will practice first-hand the tasks required to lead others.

~ We are a values-based organization, dedicated to preserving the ideals of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage.

~ Students may explore the first two years of ROTC without obligation to service.

~ Those deciding to pursue an officer’s commission may compete for full-tuition scholarships which include additional incentives.

~ Our graduates serve America by leading Soldiers and units through a full spectrum of missions from humanitarian service operations to combating enemy regimes and terrorist organizations. Army officers truly help to influence world events.

~ New lieutenants can serve in a variety of career specialties encompassing Maneuver, Support and Sustainment branches (including Nursing). While many decide to serve fulltime on active duty, others choose to serve part-time in the Army Reserve or National Guard.

~ Leadership skills developed through the Army are transferable to all walks of life.

Enrolling in Army ROTC is as simple as registering for the course. Classes meet at nearby Widener University. There are three basic ways to participate in Army ROTC:

The first is to be a participating student. These students register for the Military Science class only (MS101 through MS202). Since they are not enrolled as Cadets they are not covered for any liability beyond that of the university and therefore DO NOT conduct activities outside the classroom (physical training, leadership labs or field training). Participating students have NO obligation to the Army.

The second and most common way is to be an enrolled Cadet. These students fully participate in ROTC by taking the Military Science classes, physical fitness, leadership labs and field training. Enrolled cadets are covered by the government for any injuries occurring during ROTC sanctioned training. They wear the Army uniform to all ROTC functions and must adhere to military customs and standards. Unless under contract, enrolled cadets are NOT obligated to future military service.

The third category is to be a contracted Cadet. Contracted Cadets fully participate like other enrolled Cadets, but they are also under obligation to future military service. Scholarship winners must contract to receive benefits. Non-scholarship cadets must also contract by the MS III/junior year in order to continue in the program.

All course materials (uniforms, books, equipment) are provided at no cost. If you want to develop excellent leadership skills for the future, and become part of a proud organization, give Army ROTC a try.

Donald J. McDannald
Lieutenant Colonel, US Army
Professor of Military Science

Alpha Company Color Guard

Dauntless Battalion color guard from Alpha Company at a recent Neumann University basketball game

Alpha Company Color Guard

Alpha Company Color Guard

Alpha Company Color Guard

Alpha Company Color Guard