Please note that if this is an emergency or there is an immediate threat to health or safety, you should contact Campus Safety at 610-558-5555 or dial 911. If this is not an emergency, and you have questions regarding this reporting site, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at deanofstudentsoffice@neumann.edu or 610-558-5608.
At Neumann University, we value the health and safety of each individual as indicated by our mission and our RISES values of Reverence, Integrity, Service, Excellence, and Stewardship. As such, we encourage community members to report incidents or concerns related to student support, student conduct, or Title IX-related policies. More information and links to submit online reports are below.
Please note that the University may only respond to incidents if we are provided sufficient information, and therefore, we ask that you share as much information as possible.
The Student of Concern Reporting Form is used to report any concerns or observations regarding a student's well-being or behavior. It should be submitted when there are concerns about a student's mental health, safety, or any other circumstances that may impact their academic success or overall experience at the institution.
Examples of when to submit this form include, but are not limited to:
The General Incident Report Form for Community Standards is used to report concerns related to potential violations of the Student Code of Conduct. It should be submitted when student behavior may not align with community standards and University policies.
Examples of when to submit this form include, but are not limited to:
The Title IX & Community Standards Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form is used to report concerns related to potential violations of the University's Title IX or Community Standards Sexual Misconduct policy. It should be submitted whenever there is knowledge of incidents involving sexual or gender-based misconduct. This is the form responsible employees should submit if they become aware of a Title IX or Community Standards Sexual Misconduct-related incident.
Examples of when to submit this form include incidents related to:
The Bias Incident Reporting Form is utilized to report concerns about potential violations of the University's Bias Policy. It should be submitted whenever there is knowledge regarding incidents involving bias or discrimination related to a protected class.
Examples include, but are not limited to: