
Electronic Transcripts


Request for Incomplete 

1. Students- Please contact your instructor to request an Incomplete grade.  All requests for incomplete grades must be completed prior to final exams. Students should submit all work by the deadline listed on the Academic Calendar.

2. Faculty - If you approve the student's request, please follow the instructions below. If the request is denied, no further action required.

  • Faculty Completes the Request for Incomplete Grade Form after reviewing with the student the work that needs to be completed to earn a grade.  Form is only available in Self-Service under the Faculty Link.
  • Faculty will have a copy of the Request for Incomplete Grade Form emailed to them- follow directions on Smartsheet. 
  • Faculty need to forward a copy of the email version of the responses to the student- this will serve as a contract with the student for assignments/examinations that need to be completed.   
  • Faculty will need to continually communicate with student to ensure work is completed by the deadline. 
  • Each form will automatically be sent to the School Dean for approval.  
  • The University Registrar's Office will enter the incomplete grade along with the expiration date - please refer to the Academic Calendar for expiration deadlines.
  • Once the student completes all work- the Faculty Member will complete a change of grade form- this form is also available in the Faculty Tab of Self-Service.

    The Incomplete Expiration Date/Deadline for all Fall 2024 classes is Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Request for Advanced Credit Editable PDF Form

Advanced Approval for Outside Credit at Other Institutions 

1. Students- Please use the editable Advanced Credit Form after meeting with your advisor. Please do NOT print out the form.

2. Students - Please email the form with Courses listed from other institutions to Registrar's Office (email contact information on main Registrar webpage)

3. Registrar's Office - Email the completed form with course equivalencies to the student and copy advisor for their signature