Educating ourselves about and supporting Delco toward a Zero Waste future.
Headphones, earbuds, and chargers have become essential accessories for many of us. Because we go through so many of these accessories, they can add up to a lot of e-waste that contains plastic, metal, rubber, magnets, wiring, and chemicals. None of these materials are good for the environment — whether they end up in landfills or as litter. They need to be disposed of properly or, better still, recycled.
With the average college student producing about 640 pounds of trash each year, campuses need comprehensive waste management programs that provide tracking, reporting, education, awareness, fun, and creativity. Stemming the Tide is for students, clubs, resident advisors, staff, and faculty to use as a resource to get started and tackle plastics on campus. This guide features smaller, individual actions, and campus-wide engagement campaigns and includes information about the plastics pollution problem, its impacts on humans and wildlife, action ideas, and educational strategies.
Every day, the incinerator burns as much as 3,510 tons of municipal waste, releasing dangerous pollutants into the air such as nitrous oxides (NOx) and other toxins.
Climate Change Education Exchange is a web-portal to free online climate change education resources including lesson plans, curricular units, teacher training, data, games and media for climate change and associated topics: green jobs, energy, water, climate action, visuals, environmental education, natural resource use and more.
Free, open educational resources from the world’s leading experts on sustainable development. The SDG Academy creates and curates free massive open online courses and educational materials on sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The climate is changing, posing serious questions and consequences for the planet and people both today and in the future. The issues are complex, with significant action required of each of us and all of us. As more people view climate change as not just a crisis, but a matter of moral urgency, it's clear that religion plays a role. Check this resource for weekly updates on climate issues.