Neumann University's sustainability Laudato Si Action Platform plan is an inspiring roadmap to a greener, more resilient future. From boosting recycling and cutting food waste to partnering with local organizations and promoting ethical consumerism, the plan is packed with actionable steps. It also highlights engaging activities like field trips and film series, as well as collaborations to support ecological spirituality and sustainable agriculture. This dynamic approach doesn't just benefit the environment but also empowers the community and promotes social responsibility. Join the movement and be part of the change!
Knights’ Pantry: The mission of the Knights’ Pantry is to provide resources to alleviate food insecurity, improve health and well-being, ensure a reduction in food waste, and promote sustainability on campus.
Starting in spring of 2021 Sodexo started Less Meat Mondays in the Bruder Dining Center.
Meatless Monday is a global movement that encourages people to reduce meat in their diet for health and the health of the planet. The campaign was started in 2003 by Sid Lerner, the found of Monday Campaigns, in association with John Hopkins Center for a Livable future.
Harvard University started Less Meat Mondays. Harvard for example reduced the amount of meat in a dish by 30% through the addition of mushrooms.
Impacts on eating meat: livestock requires large amounts of land use and leads to deforestation. The entire process of meat production from agriculture to animal farming requires enormous amounts of water. It produces greenhouse gas emissions, waste and pollution.
Less Meat Monday focuses on initiative on Mondays for several reasons. Friday is traditionally a meat-free day among Catholics and Orthodox. Monday is typically the beginning of the work week, the day when individuals settle back into their weekly routine. Habits that prevailed over the weekend can be forgotten and replaced by other choices. A weekly reminder to restart healthy habits also encourages success.
Sodexo partners with Human Society to create healthy vegetarian recipes and promote healthy eating and Less Meat Mondays. Student favorites include cauliflower buffalo wings, jackfruit, roasted chickpeas and pasta.
Sodexo uses Filta to recycle fry oil.
“Since 1996 Filta has been providing cookings oil micro filtration service around the world to restaurants and other food establishments. Filta’s “Green” services naturally preserve the environment by extending the life of cooking oil with the FiltaFry service, turning waste cooking oil into biodiesel Filta Bio and reducing energy consumption and food waste with FiltaCool. Filta services over 7,000 customers every week and has recycled over ½ billion pounds of oil and counting.”Biodiesel is the best greenhouse gas mitigation strategy for today’s medium and heavy-duty vehicles.
Recyclable Containers
Recyclable containers will be offered in Bruder Dining Center starting fall of 2021 to carry out meals. Students and staff will return containers after use and provided a sanitized container.
We are trayless and do not use plastic straws (paper straws are available only by request).
Waste Watch powered by Lean Path
Sodexo will start the Lean Path program in Fall 2021. Fighting the global crises of climate change and hunger is part of our mission to improve the quality of life in the communities we serve all around the world. Sodexo is championing these efforts by reducing the amount of food that goes to waste on our watch by implementing Waste watch powered by Lean Path. Sodexo teams can rapidly and easily capture food waste data, take action based upon intuitive analytics and drive behavioral change to help end avoidable waste, whether food waste is generated in the kitchen or consumer food waste.
Observations from Sodexo units using the program include ordering less food which lowers carbon footprint.
Fruit trim is the largest waste in the kitchen. Instead of scraping out seeds with a knife and wasting a large part of the fruit a spoon was used to scoop out just the seeds.
Instead of wasting left over herbs they were baked and used for spice instead of ordering dried spices.
Weigh the Waste
During the month of April Sodexo will weigh the waste in Bruder Dining Center which will raise awareness of uneaten food during a specific meal period. Customers place food waste into a garbage can located near the dish return. The waste is weighed at the end of a meal or day and then the information is advertised to our customers to encourage less wasteful choices in the future.
Drexel Neumann Academy (DNA)
Sodexo donated food to Drexel Neumann Academy March through May 2020 and summer 2021.
Resource Pantry
Any items that may not be available by donation of outside sources can be supplemented with Sodexo items such as bagels, individually wrapped condiments and pints of milk.
Perishable food that will expire over holiday breaks or during the summer break can go to the resource pantry.
Food Recovery Verified
Sodexo plans to get food recovery verified at Neumann University. Through Food Recovery Verified (FRV) program, Food Recovery Network (FRN) recognizes food businesses and events that are working to fight waste and feed people through food recovery. FRV serves as a third- party verification for food businesses and events that donate surplus food to hunger fighting non-profit organizations.
The team offers support and resources to food businesses and events seeking verification. Using their expertise, they help applicants design and implement custom food recovery programs for their businesses and events, which in turn have a positive impact on local communities and the environment.
Starting in the fall of 2021 Sodexo will provide food from Bruder Dining Center to be picked up weekly and used for compost locally.
Continued Efforts
Sodexo will continue using sustainable seafood, cage free eggs and Fair Trade Aspretto coffee.