NU Laudato Si Action Platform 2023-2024

laudatosigoalsConsistent with our identity as a Catholic institution in the Franciscan tradition, Neumann University embraces the Core values of Reverence, Integrity, Service, Excellence, and Stewardship. In our University vision statement, we affirm that “Neumann RISES on the core values of Reverence, Integrity, Service, Excellence, and Stewardship and lives the actions which these values inspire.” 1

The value of Reverence invites us to “celebrate our relationship as sisters and brothers with one another and all creation.” The importance of Stewardship challenges us to “care for creation as a sacred Gift from God.” Furthermore, we affirm that “our resources are actually on loan to us to be cared for, used in service for all, and preserved for future use. Therefore, we consider the impact of our decisions on one another and on the common good.”2

Therefore, Neumann University accepts Pope Francis’ invitation to commit ourselves to develop and implement a Laudato Si’ Action plan. By committing ourselves to this seven-year journey, we also align with the values and commitment of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, our founders, and our sponsors.

NU Reflection on Laudato Si Action Platform NU 2023-2024 Laudato Si Action Plan

1 Neumann University Vision Statement
2 Neumann University Core Values Statement